It’s been 50 years and one day that you were shot in the head. There is still some uncertainty regarding to who did it  but frankly, I don’t care. I also don’t feel sorry for your death since I regard death a problem of the survivors rather than a problem of the dead.

The real sad thing is that there are people who resort to violence in order to reach their goals.  You ruled a country that has always been using this method to get rid of people standing in your way.  Killing is a lot easier today than it was in your days.  Today your successor sends drones to murder oponents in the name of freedom, justice and anti terrorism.

Maybe you were even responsible for some deaths while you were president?  Again, I don’t care (that’s history).  But there is a slight chance that you were shot by the system you ruled.  If it weren’t so sad it could be irony.